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Paul Zinovev

Full-stack javascript & clojure developer

Currently working as clojure developer at one of the best health-it companies in Russia. Creating and developing interfaces that are used in the health-it sector around the world


Website DevelopmentSoftware AutomationSoftware ArchitectureSoftware AbstractionFunctional ProgrammingObject Oriented ProgrammingClean Code Architecture

Tool Belt



5 / 5
3 / 5

Formal Education

Information systems in industry. The Faculty of Information Security
Tula State University (TSU)
09/2015 - 07/2020


Saint Petersburg, Russia



May 2020 – Present

Job TitleFull-stack developer - Health-IT projects around the world
CompanyHealth Samurai
Responsibility(NDA exists) Using clojure and clojurescript reagent, re-frame, kee-frame, Working with multinational team to improve the app experience.
  1. Developing and maintaining apps interface
  2. Implement new business-valued features
  3. Refactoring Apps to maintainable architecture
  4. Fixing bugs

Aug 2019 – Jun 2020

Job TitleTech Lead, the only developer - SAAS Platform for QA engineers and developers (DoQA)
CompanyIT Test
ResponsibilityProduct consists of the best parts of TestRail, Yandex.Tank, Testpad and etc. Working on back-end part. Whole application is based on microservices multi-tenancy architecture. Most of services are written on Go, and a couple on Python. For internal service communication uses GRPC. On top layer there are Docker, Kubernetes, Istio, Google Cloud.
  1. Developing and maintaining DoQA App
  2. Create coding standard
  3. Implement layered clean architecture that scale
  4. Server/cloud administration
  5. CI/CD development

Apr 2020 - Jun 2020

Job TitleFront-end Engineer -
Responsibility(NDA exists) Using React js, styled components, REDUX and any other tools, my responsibility is to creating and implementing UI design; bug fixing; maintaining UI components library, create complex logic among App.
ExperiencesDeveloping and maintaining Sblogistica internal platform interface.

Jun 2019 – Dec 2020

Job TitleFront-end Engineer -
ResponsibilityOne of the biggest online and offline tech-stores in Russia
ExperiencesCreating and maintaining UI for the App

Apr 2019 – May 2019

Job TitleMobile Developer (ionic) - Streamity
CompanyIT Test
ResponsibilityMostly working as mobile front-end developer. Using ionic, cordova, capacitor, ReactJS, REDUX, typescript
  1. Prototyping Streamity wallet App
  2. Creating and maintaining full architecture and UI for the App

Feb 2019 – Apr 2019

Job TitleBackend Developer - Jinga phones
CompanyIT Test
ResponsibilityProduct for mobile phone factories. Using nodeJS, nestJS, postgreSQL, Ansible, CI/CD
  1. Maintaining legacy App
  2. Refactoring old architecture in prior to maintainability
  3. Integrating new features

Sept 2016 – Feb 2019

Job TitleMany other apps
CompanyFreelance and other Russian companies
ResponsibilityLearning IT technologies, working on boring and amazing projects, but too much for resume.
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